Freediving Sunshine Coast – Mooloolaba

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Sunshine Coast Mooloolaba – Freediving

The Sunshine Coast offers clear warm waters and is one of the premier dive sites in Australia. We always review conditions and choose the best site for your comfort and expereince on our custom Freediving Vessel Ocean-Rose. Sites include:

Flinders Reef which is comparable to the Great Barrier Reef and sits just off Moreton island. Here we find turtle cleaning stations, Grey Nurse Sharks through winter, the odd passing Humpback Whale, and much much more. (Padi Freediver courses can also be run here).

Mudjimba Island, (Old Woman Island), is also on the list as it’s often protected, full of marine life and the perfect set up for Freediving.

Nurse Rock for our PADI Freediver courses to our local Sunny Coast trips which is where Grey Nurse Sharks have been congregating over the past years, where you can have an amazing up close and personal experience with these gentle Sharks.

EX-HMAS BRISBANE warship was scuttled in 2005 2.9 Nautical miles off the coast so only a short boat ride out. The 133m warship served in both the Vietnam and Gulf Wars and now is home to an array of life both big and small and is the perfect place for Freediving with the ship reaching up to 5m from the surface for us to easily explore. This site we will use after you have been certified and will be a bonus dive as part of our VIP package at no cost.

Depth sessions. We also now with our Freediving vessel can simply go and chase depth for our experienced Freedivers. We simply head east find blue water and set up the lines.

We firstly explore line Freediving, demonstrating Free Immersion, constant weight, and a rescue to complete our PADI requirements. Next we’ll explore the Warship which has some incredible swim throughs and an abundance of life to view.. It features cannons where we have had some amazing Sher impersonations, and many ‘King or the World Titanic’ re-enactments at the stern.

During winter we also have the option of diving at Nurse Rock with grey nurse shark’s who have made that rock their home.

We’ll finish the day with a few drinks and some food at The Dock Mooloolaba to celebrate what we have achieved and talk about all the wildlife we saw that will continue to get bigger and bigger as  the afternoon progresses.

Upcoming PADI Freediver courses:

To see upcoming dates – go to Day 1 or Day 2 courses!

Day One:We meet  at the Kawana Surf Club, 99 Pacific Boulevard, Buddina for our Freediving theory, Breathworkshop/Mindfulness/Yoga. We then head to Kawana Aquatic Centre, 45 Sportman’s Parade, Bokarina, 4575. Here we explore Pool Freediving which will prepare us for the Ocean day on Day 2. At the aquatic centre we will practise our static breath hold, dynamic swims, duck diving and rescues in the 3.7m deep pool and just some general fun along the way.

Day 2 We meet back at The Wharf Mooloolaba, where we depart for the wonders that await off the Sunshine Coast. (Meet between the booking box and Rice Boi.)

Learn more or book by clicking through on the course options below