Retreats – Why Mount Gambier?

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Retreats – Why Mount Gambier?


The best thing about going on a retreat is that you get between 5-7 days straight of diving. You live, breathe and experience diving in that week. What happens is your body adapts really quickly and you become a better diver in a short amount of time with this continuity.

Each retreat has its own unique draw cards and you can watch the videos via YouTube to find out more.

The highlights for me are: group support and camaraderie, a really good diving routine, heaps of fun, adventure and exploration. Lots of cool underwater photos of yourself, and I think just really good value for money. You get group as well as one on one coaching with the instructors, you have access to them 24/7 so you can learn a lot, in a short amount of time. The students that come free diving, come from various backgrounds and are always full of a diversity of really good ocean knowledge.
And my favourite part is you just get to check out of your everyday life for awhile, you get great mind body connection with the breathwork meditation, yoga, full stop, take out and Spending a lot of time underwater is like meditation on steroids. You often return home more grounded, clearer of mind and a closer connection to yourself and others.

What are you waiting for? Book your experience now!

Elle Power c/o Adam Sellars

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Mount Gambier Freediving

Retreats – Why Mount Gambier?


The best thing about going on a retreat is that you get between 5-7 days straight of diving. You live, breathe and experience diving in that week. What happens is your body adapts really quickly and you become a better diver in a short amount of time with this continuity.

Each retreat has its own unique draw cards and you can watch the videos via YouTube to find out more.

The highlights for me are: group support and camaraderie, a really good diving routine, heaps of fun, adventure and exploration. Lots of cool underwater photos of yourself, and I think just really good value for money. You get group as well as one on one coaching with the instructors, you have access to them 24/7 so you can learn a lot, in a short amount of time. The students that come free diving, come from various backgrounds and are always full of a diversity of really good ocean knowledge.
And my favourite part is you just get to check out of your everyday life for awhile, you get great mind body connection with the breathwork meditation, yoga, full stop, take out and Spending a lot of time underwater is like meditation on steroids. You often return home more grounded, clearer of mind and a closer connection to yourself and others.

What are you waiting for? Book your experience now!

Elle Power c/o Adam Sellars

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